About the Project
Project Goals
Civil Society Organizations
Public Bodies
Local Authorities Representatives
Trainers and Youth Workers
African Proverb
Main Activities

Dialogue & Networking
Two Fact Finding Conferences (1 in Mersin and 1 in Constanta) will be realized as the first step of dialogue and networking process.

Content Development of Training Module and Manual for Training of Trainers will be done to respond the methodological needs of trainers in their further works with PwD and their families about such topics: disability rights, active participation, and citizenship.

Capacity Building
International Training of Trainers in Mersin: 18 trainers / youth workers from NGO’s and public bodies in Turkey and Romania will attend to a Training for Trainers (ToT) program to develop their methodological capacities and train on the Disability rights, Non-Formal Education, Experiential Learning Methodology, active participation and participation.

EU-TR Awareness & Dissemination
European Cooperation in the Field of Disability” Seminar in Romania will be held during the Study Visit to share the good practices and to establish the network between stakeholders.

E-learning Process for ToT
The learning process of these trainers will continue online learning platform which will provide open space for these trainers to turn their theoretical knowledge into practical by working in small groups with other trainers.

Study Visit in Romania
To help NGO Managers to compare their local reality with European countries’ and increase their awareness on activities organized in the field of disability in European dimension.

Project Activities
Kick-off Meeting
Kick-off Meeting was held at online platform within the participation of the representatives of Project consortium on 27th-28th-31th May and 4th of June 2021.
Fact Finding Conference
It was held two Fact Finding Conference in Constanta on 28th June 2021 and in Mersin on 13th of July 2021 within the participation of NGOs, public institutions and people who have disabled family members.
Training of Trainers
Training of Trainers was held in Mersin with 20 representatives of NGOs and public institutions between 18-24th of August 2021.